... oh not really, but I am talking about chick peas!!! It has loads of nutritional benefits. To name a few:
- It has high fiber, useful for prevention of heart diseases. Also useful for preventing constipation and IBS.
- It has (bad or the LDL) cholesterol lowering effects
- It has high amount of proteins
- It has good amount of Iron. But it's best consumed with a fruit or a glass of fruit juice, high in Vitamin C for the body to absorb the iron properly.
- Zinc - for wound healing, preventing body odour etc
- It balances blood sugar levels and at the same time gives our body, energy at a steady rate
- Has magnesium for cardiovascular benefits
- Folate for anemia etc
- Manganese - for energy and antioxidant
- Has reasonable amounts of Calcium as well
Research says that canned chick peas are almost as good as fresh ones. And it's easy to prepare. Channa masala is a good example. It can be consumed with just a little salt and chilly powder. Add a little bit of turmeric which has it's own fantastic properties.
So there is every reason this can be included on almost daily basis.